How To Become What You Might Be

Paul Kearley
5 min readMar 13, 2017

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. -Lao Tzu

MUST Law # 4: Success rewards action

My friend Tom had it right. He realized his goals and took his company global because Tom knows the key that many other “hopetopreneurs” don’t.

Allow me a few moments to explain.

When I met Tom back in 2008 I was simply asking him to take a quick read through MUST Thinking and to offer any comments he may have had regarding my book. I never thought for a moment that I would become so captivated by his goals and impressed by his vision that I would want to emulate him.

Tom is a doer. He is not one to sit around and wait for things to happen, he creates the vision, determines the action steps and gets busy.

For example, a few years ago he discovered a passion to create understanding between two warring communities half a world away. But, Tom, being an out of the box thinker, didn’t want to go about it in the usual way of getting the community together and just talking about it, no, not Tom. Here’s what he had to say about it when I asked: “It is called Project Triumph where we bring Jewish and Arab teens to America for a two week leadership intensive as part of a lifetime commitment to peace. We are creating a leadership alumnus that will grow into the future leadership of the region. We worked on the ground in Israel and Palestine with programs that foster awareness and collaboration and this year the kids have invited us to come to Israel and teach their parents and teachers. Very powerful. We were in our third year with a new group of kids on their way to us in April. In fact, that year, our program was being considered as a model for AGNT, the Association of Global New Thought as an effective peacemaking tool to be shared free with leaders worldwide. We used the Middle East to learn from and now we are applying what we learned worldwide…including here in Los Angeles with gangs.”

Now I ask you, is there any way at all that this project could have been done if all he did was think about it? I don’t think so. Something like this requires commitment and a steadfast refusal to be influenced by inconvenience. Because you can bet that he had his share of roadblocks. Oh yes, there is history, there is culture, there is distance, there are attitudes and there is hatred, to name just a few. Each of which could be a major stumbling block to someone less committed.

How many times have you heard people with great ideas tell you about their dreams and goals and how much they wanted to achieve them, only to find them a year or so later, still talking about it, but no significant action taken to make it happen? When you ask them, they’ll probably have a list of inconveniences like: I didn’t have all the information, I didn’t have the time, or I didn’t have the money.

What happened to the passion?

What happened to the goals?

What happened to the dreams?

We often allow self doubt to guide us instead of enthusiasm or passion, and we create excuses for why what we wanted didn’t or couldn’t have happened… and we get lazy and all of a sudden, it becomes too inconvenient to take the steps necessary to achieving our goals and stepping out of our comfort zone.

Life gets in the way of growth, and the ordinary becomes the easy option.

For some people who have big goals and don’t know how to achieve them, the fear of failure often prevents them from ever reaching the level that they aspire to, or are perfectly capable of, and they sit, rusting from inaction, slowly decaying into a mass of misguided hope and unrequited dreams.

So, what is the secret that Tom knows that many aspiring hopefuls don’t? It’s the fourth law of MUST that states: Success rewards action.

Yep, that’s it. Three simple words that when combined and executed create a truth that can make even the unbelieving non believers, believers.

Think about it. Who are your heroes in life? Some of mine are people like Terry Fox, Chris Hatfield, Ghandi and Jesus. All people who placed their life on the line for what they believed in and got into action to make them happen. They were not letting “little” things like cancer, gravity or hatred stop them from realizing a dream and making life better for the generations who followed them. They decided what they would make happen and got into action, even though they didn’t have all of the answers as to how they would do it.

They got into action anyway.

They became what they were destined to be.

And so can you.

Your goals or dreams may not be to change the world, it may be to change a relationship, change your career, improve a process, start a business, make a sale or build a home, but whatever it is, I can tell you with all certainty that you can wish for it to happen and unleash all the laws of law of attraction that you want to unleash, but unless you physically do something positive about it, and take some kind of action, nothing will happen.

Success rewards action.


My vision is quite simple: to make an impact on the lives of the people who have been entrusted to me: You (for reading this article), my family and my clients.

I coach people. Direct, practical, innovative, meaningful. I coach for excellence.I love what I do… and so do my clients.

Over the years I’ve noticed that business coaching that was supposed to make us stronger actually took away our confidence and made us doubt ourselves. Confidence and people skills aren’t developed just by measuring and planning everything, they grow through doing and learning from experience and by taking risks. People want to make a difference. Build teams. Be better understood. Live more confidently.

I am committed to creating a world where business people communicate and act with confidence to create better worlds for themselves. Worlds where they feel powerful and free to express themselves. Worlds where something as simple as conversation creates energy, understanding and impact. Worlds so exquisite, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

If you found this article helpful, insightful or moving, please let me know, if you think it can help others, please share it with them.



Paul Kearley

We coach people. Direct, practical, innovative, meaningful. We coach for excellence. We love what we do