It’s Not WHAT You Do, It’s HOW and WHY You Do It That Determines Your Success

Paul Kearley
4 min readMay 15, 2017

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it, and what you do simply proves what you believe. ~ Simon Sinek

There are way too many people in school or the workplace who are just getting by, doing the minimum amount of work required to get a job done, who try to make poor workmanship standard practice. These are also the people who try to franchise this idea to everyone they are associated with so they don’t look so bad.

Whatever you do, you must do it to the best of your ability, with what you have, wherever you are. What you are doing right now may not be what you promised yourself you would be doing in earlier days, but that doesn’t mean it is a life sentence. You can become better no matter what the circumstances are or seem to be. This may simply be a temporary learning experience you needed to go through to enable you to press on and become more.

Just because where you are may not be where you wanted to be, is that any reason to quit?

Of course not!

You’re better that that.

Have you ever noticed that those who do things to the best of their ability always seem to be the ones who get further in life? They don’t criticize, condemn or complain, they don’t worry that someone else will make them look bad, they simply put their head down and work to the best of their ability and they expect others to do the same: They know that being the best means doing their best.

What about you? Has the realization that you are not where you wanted to be been driving the quality of your work? Has the lure of fitting in without rocking the boat been causing you to hold back your best work? Have you simply resigned yourself that things will never change so why bother?

You can become better.

You must simply choose to, and who cares what the others say; they don’t live under your skin and they don’t share your dreams of becoming more.

If you truly want to create the life you envision, you must first determine just what that life will look like. Write it down, create powerful pictures, and use positive words. Then, when you have engineered the picture, you must get into action. Do at least one thing each and every day that will scare the pants off you and will also move you in a positive direction toward your picture.

Make this week the launching point for the rest of your life.

Refuse to be one of the “crowd” who is just waiting for time; focus on who you will be, keep that picture in your mind and then act as if you are already that person, and when you do, you will soon see opportunities that once seemed distant, becoming reality.


My vision is quite simple: to make an impact on the lives of the people who have been entrusted to me: You (for reading this article), my family and my clients.

I coach people. Direct, practical, innovative, meaningful. I coach for excellence.I love what I do… and so do my clients.

Over the years I’ve noticed that business coaching that was supposed to make us stronger actually took away our confidence and made us doubt ourselves. Confidence and people skills aren’t developed just by measuring and planning everything, they grow through doing and learning from experience and by taking risks. People want to make a difference. Build teams. Be better understood. Live more confidently.

I am committed to creating a world where business people communicate and act with confidence to create better worlds for themselves. Worlds where they feel powerful and free to express themselves. Worlds where something as simple as conversation creates energy, understanding and impact. Worlds so exquisite, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

If you found this article helpful, insightful or moving, please let me know, if you think it can help others, please share it with them.



Paul Kearley

We coach people. Direct, practical, innovative, meaningful. We coach for excellence. We love what we do